What's New: Spring & Summer Shirts

Quieti purple paisley shirt $98.

Warm weather is around the corner and it’s time to brighten up your shirts and have some fun. We’ve got tons of new Spring shirts in all kinds of colours and patterns.

Gotstyle Private Label checked shirts $165.

A shirt isn’t just something you wear under suits and blazers; when the Spring weather get here you’ll be wearing them without a jacket – with jeans and chinos on the weekend, with suit pants to work, and out at night. This is exactly why you need to bring new shirts for Spring into your wardrobe. Having more patterns, colours, details and all in all looking more fun makes them able to stand alone without being hidden under a jacket.

Blue Industry check shirt $175.

Oscar gingham shirt $175.

Oscar gingham shirt $175.

Stenstrom’s blue and orange plaid shirt $195.

Stenstrom’s solid blue shirt $195.

Eterna red checked shirt $165.

Eterna green checked shirt $165.

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