Valerie on Dating: Dressing Right for the Proper Type

As we all have different tastes in clothes, it is no secret that we all have different tastes in the opposite sex. However, in order to attain our desired mate, it is imperative to dress to impress and present ourselves accordingly. For example, if you have an affinity for punk chicks, don't adorn a three-piece suit during your courtship.

So what do you wear? Take a single-gal's perspective on what to wear on a first date with the following types of girls:

The Tree-Hugger:

The reason you like this girl is because she is friendly and not pretentious. She doesn't make you feel nervous or uptight. So dress accordingly. She doesn't want to see you in a dress shirt. Try a pair of loose kakis or cargos matched with a well-worn shirt such as Just A Cheap Shirt by ShirtbyShirt. This will reflect your casual style, while still demonstrating your respect for her by appearing well put-together.

The High-Maintenance Chick:

You don't know why you like her. She is uptight and clearly spends a lot of time on her appearance. But she looks good, so you should too, in order to keep her attention. This will require more then a quick glance in the mirror. Besides clothing, remember it is the whole essence of your look that could be judged here, so pay attention to hair, shaving and cologne. And don't go out too crazy. Leave the tie at home, but a pair of dress pants matched with a dress shirt should work perfectly. Try an Antonio Valente or a Red Line.

The Hipster:

This one is easy. She is cool and so anything you wear should be fine. Try a pair of Levis matched with a casual shirt. You can even try the black blazer from Ted Baker. It is a combination of upscale and casual, perfect for a night out with a hip girl. If you are feeling daring, try some accessories such as M. Cohen's pieces for the wrist.

The Girl Next Door:

I've been told I fall into this category so I will just say what I like to see guys wear on first dates. I don't mind jeans, in fact I prefer then to anything else. I like a date that isn't too formal. I was in the Gotstyle store on King Street last week and saw the perfect item that I know I would love to see a guy wear. It is another blazer from Ted Baker, but it is grey and made from cotton-like sweatshirt material. I think this would be a perfect outfit for a guy to wear, demonstrating an active concern about how is presenting himself to me, without going over the top.

If you pay attention to your clothing on a first date, you should have no trouble getting a second! Good luck!

Follow Valerie on Twitter (@ValTorontoGal) and on her blog: I’m Charming You

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