Michael's first Iron Man competition

Good luck to our stylist & denim buyer Michael, as he competes in his first ½ Iron Man competition in Rhode Island this weekend.

A year ago Michael was an average sports guy with bad eating habits (Craft burgers?) then he got introduced to CrossFit by Joa and from there decided to train for Iron Man.

Now he’s testing his mental, spiritual and physical limits and is on a strict Paleo diet (the caveman diet). And as Michael says, he’s the only Asian guy you’ll ever see not eating rice.

Within less than a year, he’s gone from being the skinny kid to a lean, mean muscular machine!

When he’s not at the store working or in-training, he’s training others as an endurance / running coach. This year he’s training with Dr. Romanot, a world renown track and field trainer with a new run technique that makes running easier and more enjoyable. If you ever have any questions about training pop by the store and ask him a question!

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