Melissa Austria on the Cover of the Toronto Star Sports Section!
Melissa Austria, founder of Gotstyle, was on the cover of the Toronto Star this past weekend, as judge of the Jays Uniform Design Challenge.
"I always believe for baseball it should be more of a traditional uniform. I hate when they try to play around with it too much," said judge Melissa Austria, founder of Gotstyle, The Menswear Store, on Bathurst St. "It mixed in the traditional aspects of what a baseball uniform should look like, but with a new font for the 'Jays' it added that modern element to it."
One of the things Chetty, Austria and fellow judge Richard Griffin, the Star's baseball columnist, had hoped to see was a trace of red to pay tribute to the Jays' status as the only big league team in Canada.
Read the full article on the Toronto Star here: Winners of the Jays Uniform Design Challenge
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